Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Grateful or Vain?


A note I scribbled more than 2 years ago but forgot to complete or post. Its never too late to post, is it? Nevertheless, here it is.

Grateful or Vain

The sense that enveloped me as I disconnected the call from the son from an airport across the planet just after midnight was one of gratefulness. It is only the apprehension of sounding vain that prevents me from adding ‘humble’ to that. It took quite some time to fall asleep again as the awakened mind kept wandering off into several things that could have gone wrong in the last several years while the son completed his education and made it clear that he had no interest in plodding on further just to match my poorly hidden ambitions for him.

 I, of course, do not mean that I’ve been lucky to have survived without being rammed by a Japanese or a Korean SUV on the Ring Road or knocked off my feet by an adrenaline-blinded youth trying out wheelies on his fancy motorbike, as a friend was, more than a decade ago. Another school mate that killed himself from depression out of depravity made worse by excessive smoking and consumption that ironically, he sought refuge in to wish away his troubles, did come to mind, but not because I felt more fortunate.

It was gratefulness because, a 25 year-old, into a decent job in the land of opportunity, saw it fit to plan and call his old man, just at the stroke of midnight, while travelling in a time zone more than 12 hours behind. More so, as the picture of the 2 year-old that tried to keep pace with me walking on the solitary sands of the sea front in Minicoy island 23 years ago, was what was in front of the closed eyes, as I listened to the voice of this young man wishing me on another birthday. Well, for one thing, that is something I never did to my father, not that he ever expected me to. On the contrary, it was my father who organised a very special program when I hit 50 – he and the sister got my Guru playing Veena to a gathering of all the dear uncles, aunts and cousins!  That should be sufficient for any to agree that gratefulness is very much in order.

The tight hug and loud loving wishes in the morning of the little one, well, not so little at 16, did not leave me the mind space to have any feeling. I had to react, and respond in equal measure immediately, as otherwise she would have a go at the countable follicles on sides of the top. Lady luck hasn’t forgotten me was the thought a little later!  

As it turned out, it wasn’t the only thing to leave me humbled.  Getting wished warmly by the better-half, tired and resigned to her fate to tolerate all the idiosyncrasies of the man and yet finding it within her to wish the same man lovingly, is no less a fortune.

Numerous calls, hundreds of messages, even a few handwritten notes, from siblings, friends, cousins, acquaintances, even people who haven’t seen me nor Have I them, through the day, was more than enough to generate enough vanity. But honestly, feeling important and vain was surely blown over by the strong sense of gratitude.

Not a bad day to have spent, not at all.