More often than not, you get labelled - care-free, reserved, garrulous, expressive, quiet, simpleton, mercurial, shrewd, cunning, the list can go on. Of course, the latter two labels are those that are on your back and you spend many years being totally unaware of it. What got me thinking today was about those that you are aware of. The more you are aware of, rather, longer that you are aware of it, unconsciously, you find yourself living up to it. At least I became conscious of this today. My wife always upbraids me for talking very little, showing little interest in affairs of people - who is doing what, who is not doing what, what gets who excited....... Worse, I'm always a disinterested listener,my disinterest being obvious, even when the talk is about ourselves or things that she is passionate about. And that isn't all. A natural corollary is - I'm totally self -absorbed, responding only when there's any mention of my wrongdoing. You would've guessed it, I'm a bad listener. I'd like to believe I'm that only at home, particularly to the dear wife. That may well be just a wish, it cannot be that I'm all ears out of home, but stone deaf at home. I should concede my claim to be a good listener can have validity only if listening comprises nodding, 'hmmmm's, 'Haan, Haan's, 'Yes', You're right's at every pause and staring at the horizon as if in deep thought. Having painfully realized that these alone do not make me a good listener, I just stay me, the disappointed wife is not yet reconciled to that me.
That isn't the point that set me thinking today. It was my meeting with a gentleman I was meeting only for the second time. What was to be a discussion planned for an hour at most about a transaction stretched to nearly three hours. Obviously the planned discussion transaction couldn't stretch that long, after all, it was a commercial transaction, neither I nor he are diplomats or bureaucrats. When I said bye to him & left, I felt refreshed, rather lighter. No, it wasn't a transaction concluded to mutual satisfaction. As I thought about it, there were just two reasons.
One, a point my visitor had mentioned in our previous meeting - ' whatever happens, will happen, it is the common consciousness that is making it happen, you are just a medium through whom it will happen. Once you realise this, you become the observer, not player. Well,. that zipped through between the ears. Only thought then was, oh, this is another dose of philosophy, a quote from Bhagavatgeeta will follow, may be, even Zen Buddhism, if not Rumi. That wasn't to be. His elaboration on the same point had meandered through a listener that now you know I am.
That was three months ago. Since then, several things have happened with me bringing me to a decision point that I'd resisted strongly for a couple of years. That the mass between the ears wasn't such a great conductor of sound as to let the whole thing pass through was a revelation to me today. The evidence is here after all, I can recall, if not exactly, but in sum. Not just that, a little of it had been absorbed.
But no, I don't dare share this with the wife, it would invariably look like a boast. God knows, boast is hardly the action I should undertake, particularly with the dear wife.
That isn't the point that set me thinking today. It was my meeting with a gentleman I was meeting only for the second time. What was to be a discussion planned for an hour at most about a transaction stretched to nearly three hours. Obviously the planned discussion transaction couldn't stretch that long, after all, it was a commercial transaction, neither I nor he are diplomats or bureaucrats. When I said bye to him & left, I felt refreshed, rather lighter. No, it wasn't a transaction concluded to mutual satisfaction. As I thought about it, there were just two reasons.
One, a point my visitor had mentioned in our previous meeting - ' whatever happens, will happen, it is the common consciousness that is making it happen, you are just a medium through whom it will happen. Once you realise this, you become the observer, not player. Well,. that zipped through between the ears. Only thought then was, oh, this is another dose of philosophy, a quote from Bhagavatgeeta will follow, may be, even Zen Buddhism, if not Rumi. That wasn't to be. His elaboration on the same point had meandered through a listener that now you know I am.
That was three months ago. Since then, several things have happened with me bringing me to a decision point that I'd resisted strongly for a couple of years. That the mass between the ears wasn't such a great conductor of sound as to let the whole thing pass through was a revelation to me today. The evidence is here after all, I can recall, if not exactly, but in sum. Not just that, a little of it had been absorbed.
But no, I don't dare share this with the wife, it would invariably look like a boast. God knows, boast is hardly the action I should undertake, particularly with the dear wife.